Search Results

2414 records found. 50 records shown.
Author Year Title Document
Shoobridge Borgo, D. 1996 Informe de evaluación: Planificación para el desarrollo del uso público y recreativo en la Reserva de la Biosfera del Manu
Sherman, Peter T. 1998 Size determinants in territories with inflexible boundaries: Manipulation experiments on White-winged Trumpeters' territories
Sherman, Peter T. 1995 Breeding biology of white-winged trumpeters (Psophia leucoptera) in Peru
Sherman, P.T. 1996 Family Psophiidae (Trumpeters)
Sherman, P. T. 1991 Harpy Eagle predation on a red howler monkey
Sherman, P. T. 1995 Social organization of cooperatively polyandrous White-winged Trumpeters (Psophia leucoptera)
Sherman, P. T. 2000 Reproductive biology and ecology of white-winged trumpeters (Psophia leucoptera) and recommendations for the breeding of captive trumpeters
Shepard, G., Jr. 1999 Resource use and ecology of the Matsigenka of the eastern slopes of the cordillera Vilcabamba
Shepard, G., Jr. 1999 Pharmacognosy and the senses in two Amazonian societies
Shepard, G. H. 2004 Ethnobotanical ground-truthing and forest diversity in the western Amazon
Shepard, G. H. 1999 Shamanism and diversity: A Matsigenka perspective
Shepard, G. H., Jr. 2000 Conocimientos tradicionales, biodiversidad y alternativas para el desarrollo en la Amazonía
Shepard, G. H., Jr. 2002 Primates in Matsigenka subsistence and world view
Shepard, G. H., Jr. 1988 Salud, medicina y cultura en las comunidades Machiguenga del Parque Nacional del Manu
Shepard, G. H., Jr. 1998 Evaluación del proyecto "Albergue Matsiguenka": Realización de objetivos, efectividad de capacitación/monitoreo e impactos socio-culturales
Shepard, G. H., Jr. 2001 Verificación etnobotánica de imágenes de satélite: La intersección de conocimientos tradicionales y científicos
Shepard, G. H., Jr. 2001 Rainforest habitat classification among the Matsigenka of the Peruvian Amazon
Shepard, G. H. 1997 Noun classification and ethnozoological classification in Machiguenga, an Arawakan language of the Peruvian Amazon
Shepard, G. H. 1998 Psychoactive plants and ethnopsychiatric medicines of the Matsigenka
Shepard, G. 1997 Etnobotánica y etnomedicina de los Matsiguenka (Machiguenga) y Yamashta (Nahua)
SGSE 1997 Estudio de impacto ambiental del Albergue Turístico Matsiguenka en la Zona Reservada del Manu
SGA 1994 Estudio de impacto ambiental: Prospección sísmica, sector Tambopata
SFES 1989 An assessment of potential local and regional climate change in Manu Regional Park: Effects of deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon on sensible and latent heat fluxes
Seutin, Gilles 1993 Genetic divergence among populations of a tropical passerine, the Streaked Saltator (Saltator albicollis)
Servat, V. G. 1991 Estudio del comportamiento en lek de Phaethornis ruber (Aves: Trochilidae) en la Amazonía peruana
Servat, G. 1997 An annotated list of birds of the BIOLAT Biological Station at Pakitza, Peru
Servat, G. 2003 Ecología de ecosistemas amazónicos 2003-13
Servat, G. 1991 Natural history notes and records for seven poorly known bird species from Amazonian Peru
Servat, G. 2002 Ecología de ecosistemas amazónicos 2002-13
Servat, G. 2004 Ecología de ecosistemas amazónicos OET 2004-13
Servat, G. 2004 Ecología tropical y diseño experimental
SENAMHI 2002 Estudio hidroclimático ambiental de la Reserva de Biosfera del Manu
Seidel, J. L. 1990 Neotropical ant gardens I. Chemical constituents of epiphytic fruits and seeds
Seddon, N. 2002 Vocal communication in the pale-winged trumpeter (Psophia leucoptera): Repertoire, context and functional reference
Sears, D. M. 0 Palms of Posada Amazonas and Tambopata Research Center
Schulte-Herbrüggen, B. 2003 Project Las Piedras: A socio-ecological investigation into the impact of illegal logging activity in Las Piedras, Madre de Dios, Peru
Schulte-Herbrüggen, B. 2003 Tala ilegal en la Zona Reservada del Alto Purús, a lo largo del río de Las Piedras, Madre de Dios
Schulenberg, T. S. 1985 A new species of tanager (Emberizidae, Thraupinae, Tangara) from southern Peru
Schulenberg, T. S. 1980 A Franklin's gull (Larus pipixcan) in southeastern Peru
Schulenberg, T. S. 1983 Foraging behavior, eco-morphology, and systematics of some antshrikes (Formicariidae, Thamnomanes)
Schleuning, Matthias 2008 Flooding and canopy dynamics shape the demography of a clonal Amazon understorey herb
Schenck, C. 1995 Unterwasserlaute bei Riesenottern (Pteronura brasiliensis)
Schenck, C. 1997 Domestic animal disease risk for Peruvian giant otters (Pteronura brasiliensis)
Schenck, C. 1998 Nutrias gigantes: Lobos de río/ Giant otters: Wolves of the river
Schenck, C. 2001 The 'Pepe, the Giant Otter' colouring book activity and drawing competition as an awareness-raising tool for school children
Schenck, C. 2001 Raising awareness about, and managing the impact of tourism in giant otter habitats in southeastern Peru
Schenck, C. 1998 Status, habitat use and conservation of giant otters in Peru
Schenck, C. 1992 Giant otters in Peru
Schenck, C. 1992 Look at the giant otters... and give them a chance
Schenck, C. 1994 Giant otters and ecotourism in Peru