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3236 collections found. 50 collections shown.
Acanthaceae - Peru
Acanthaceae Habracanthus - Peru
Acanthaceae Hansteinia crenulatus (Britton ex Rusby) Wassh. - Peru
Acanthaceae Herpetacanthus rotundatus (Lindau) - Peru
Acanthaceae Hygrophila costata - Bolivia
Acanthaceae Justicia alpina Lindau - Peru
Acanthaceae Justicia appendiculata - Peru
Acanthaceae Justicia appendiculata - Bolivia
Acanthaceae Justicia boliviana Rusby - Peru
Acanthaceae Justicia californica (Benth.) D.N. Gibson - United States of America
Acanthaceae Justicia calycina (Nees) V. Graham - Peru
Acanthaceae Justicia comata - Peru
Acanthaceae Justicia iochila Mildbr. - Peru
Acanthaceae Justicia japonica Thunb. - India
Acanthaceae Justicia laevilinguis - Brazil
Acanthaceae Justicia monopleurantha (Lindau) Wassh. - Bolivia
Acanthaceae Justicia nematocalyx Lindau - Peru
Acanthaceae Justicia ovata (Walter) Lindau - United States of America
Acanthaceae Justicia poeppigiana (Nees) Lindau - Peru