
Syrrhopodon Schwaegrichen

Kingdom: Plantae Rank: Genus Parent: Calymperaceae Status: Valid

Morphological Description

Diagnosis: Plants mostly tufted or gregarious on tree trunks, logs, rock and humus; stems erect or rarely repent, simple or variously branched. Leaf cells mostly isodiametric, rarely transversely or vertically elongate; leaf margins variously toothed, mostly thickened, bordered entirely or in part by elongate hyaline cells, or unbordered; teniolae and gemmae receptacles mostly lacking; gemmiferous leaves mostly not much different from vegetative leaves. Capsules mostly exerted, rarely immersed; peristomes mostly imperfectly developed, sometimes lacking. Calyptra cucullate or rarely mitrate-campanulate, deciduous.


Notes: Crum & Anderson "The name refers to the somewhat horizontal or convergent nature of the teeth of the peristome, more or less closing the mouth of the capsule."