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Rank: Genus Parent: Orchidaceae Status: Valid

Morphological Description

Diagnosis: ##


O. “batemanianum”
O. baueri
O. heteranthum
O. inouei
O. retusum

Vegetative Morphology

Habit: Highly variable caespitose to trailing epiphytes, lithophytes, or terrestrials. Pseudobulbs globose to ellipsoid, usually compressed, sometimes strongly so with sharp edges (ancipitous), often ridged and grooved, usually subtended by foliaceous bracts that often equal the leaves.

Leaves: Leaves 1--4, linear-lanceolate to elliptic, mostly thin-textured.

Reproductive Morphology

Inflorescence: Inflorescences pedunculate, short one-flowered scapes to long-pedunculate racemes and panicles, sometimes modified into vine-like structures bearing numerous adventitious plantlets, the floral bracts usually inconspicuous, papery.

Flowers: Flowers one to numerous, most frequently yellow with varying amounts of brown suffusion or transverse barring on the sepals and petals, rarely white or pink. Sepals and petals subsimilar or the petals broader, free or with the lateral sepals variously fused. Lip usually three-lobed, sessile, subequal to the sepals and petals or larger and conspicuous, often violin-shaped (pandurate), the callus usually conspicuous, uni- to polyseriate, often many-toothed, often glossy. Column cylindric, winged, usually without foot, with a variously adorned tabula infrastigmatica; pollinia 2, on a common linear stipe and minute circular viscidium.